Written by: Sebastian
What is the nature of an explosion and what causes it to detonate? A sentence like this is likely to attract the roaming eyes of the secret services – as any mention of detonation these days is highly sensitive. However, there has to be a bang – but before there is a bang the ingredients have to be right.
Now we all have different ideas of what makes for a great party – some like to drink, some like to talk, some like to dance – and more besides – which I can’t discuss here….
We are all different and difference is what makes the world go round – so before I say anything else about what makes a party – I will say –
You have to begin somewhere – and where better than on the roof of a fancy bar overlooking a beach and the moonlit waves crashing on the shore? It was a grand setting indeed with the added blessing of a breeze to cool the wet t- shirts of the dancing diva’s who gave it their all on the dance floor –
All credit to those in pink who made the greatest effort on the floor – they lead the way with enthusiasm and managed to persuade even the shyest of men onto their feet.
The roof top setting was elegant and so people sat in chairs or talked, like cooing doves on benches beneath the stars. There were introductions and flirtations and guys meeting guys – which is always thrilling – in the open – relaxed and at ease – being themselves – beginning to feel a little more free – little by little……
There was dancing and drinks and food and guys and even a few girls – there were tall ones and short ones and fat ones and thin ones – old ones and young ones and cute ones and fun ones – there was a DJ and a dance floor and flashing lights and a sea breeze – it was a Saturday night in Chennai and it was a party for gay men ……the ingredients for an explosion were all in place.
So there was something for everyone – and that is no small achievement – it’s impossible to please everyone all the time – so if everyone got something from the event that is something good.
So, well done to the organizers – a step in the right direction – as well as a desire to make each event – each month – bigger and better!
As one who has been lucky enough to party in many gay capitals of the world from London, Paris, New York, LA and Sydney – I have to say – Chennai has something non of these cities have now – and that is that Chennai is fresh! Young! Excited by what is possible! Ready to break out and take risks – it’s New! And “newness,” as the great gay modernist poet Ezra Pound said – “is everything!”
Here’s to the next explosion!!
Written by: Sebastian