New Posts of Chennai Dost will be available in our new Website

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Join our Rainbow Group Dance practice session on May 20th

Do you love to express?
Do you long to dance but waiting for the right time?
Here we go, Join our Rainbow Group Dance practice session to perform in Flash mob and Cultural Dance program for the Fourth Chennai Rainbow Pride
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgenders are all invited
Practice session starts on May 20th
For details contact: 95516 30213

ChemistryClub Chennai

Monday, May 14, 2012


As Saadi Shirazi said,
"Human beings are all members of one body. 
They are created from the same essence. 
When one member is in pain, 
The others cannot rest. 
If you do not care about the pain of others, 
You are not worthy of being called a human." 

Homosexuality is found in 450 species and homophobia is found in just one, humans. Its hightime we open our hearts and accept people for what they are, and help them to stop living a lie.

Chennai Dost invites you to join hands for “Stop Homophobia/Transphobia” - a Candlelight Vigil on May 17th, International Day against Homophobia/ Transphobia . Irrespective of gender, sexuality and other differences, let us all unite to celebrate the diversity and put an end to the inhumane act– Homophobia / Transphobia.  Let the light we hold, bring an end to the darkness that dwell in many hearts and parts of our society. 

This is an effort of Chennai Dost, to increase the awareness on alternate sexuality & gender issues and to develop a better tomorrow in which no individual is discriminated or humiliated of one’s gender or sexuality. Let us try and build a society in which no one is forced to hide behind a mask and let everyone live with the dignity of who they are. 

Come let’s all get united and show our solidarity to STOP HOMOPHOBIA / TRANSPHOBIA.

VENUE: Opposite Chennai Press Club.
DATE: May 17th.
TIME: 6 pm.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

"COLOURS OF SEXUALITY" : Call for film submissions

Chennai has been organizing LGBT film screenings since 2004, including
film festivals in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Local groups have also
regularly organized film screenings both during Pride month and at
other times of the year.

This year, we are pleased to bring you Colours of Sexuality: Chennai
Queer Film Festival 2012, a collaborative effort between local
collectives Chennai Dost and Orinam, in partnership with Goethe
Institut/ Max Mueller Bhavan.

The festival will be held on three evenings from June 15-17, 2012, and
will showcase Indian and international feature films, shorts and
documentaries. There will also be a photography/art exhibit at the
venue, and a panel discussion on June 16 on the topic of acceptance of
LGBT youth by their families.

We invite entries of feature-length films, shorts and documentaries
for screening at the event. Entries will be reviewed by a panel, and
selections notified by 30 May 2012.

If you are interested in having your work considered for this
festival, please contact

Visit  for updates.

"COLOURS OF SEXUALITY" : Call for photographs and art entries for exhibition

As part of Chennai Queer Film Festival June 15-17 2012,  local
collectives Chennai Dost and Orinam are conducting a photography and
art exhibition in partnership with Goethe Institute/ Max Mueller

We invite you to send photographs or art work on the theme 'Colours of
Sexuality', encompassing issues of alternate sexual orientation and
gender identity.

- All photographs and images submitted must be original and digital.
- All images must be of size 5 MB or smaller with a resolution at
least 1,600 pixels.
- Last date for the submission of photographs is 30 May 2012.

Entries may also be displayed at other events during Pride month.

Please mail your entries to